Yidaki aka Didgeridoo is an energetic language. It allows the senses to connect to the very energy of anything that our senses can touch. Just go out to your local nature and observe the dance of the land. If there are fish observe their movements, and after you have drank their spirit enough with your senses, take your hands and make a rhythm for it the right there. If have you a didgeridoo with you try to follow that pattern with your breath. This is how we can connect ourselvs to the land. It is a love story; where breath is conncted to the subject.
Make rhythm pattherns from the various elements in nature and use your music instrument(s) to follow the pattern. This is the essence of the didgeridoo; which is to create a fertile soil for your awearness to express through.
Here’s a video of me walking barefoot in Austin Greenbelt where the fireflies took my breath away, so I sent it away with rhythmic melody. Try for yourself! Put one rhythm after another in your life-pocket and walk with it.